Monthly Archives: April 2019


The National Resource Center on Children and Families of the Incarcerated



The Million Dollar Hood Project 


Kate Savage


When Kate Savage met POPS co-founders Amy Friedman and Dennis Danziger, they were years away from launching their first POPS club, but a friendship quickly developed. An  accomplished visual artist , Kate had already been teaching art to teens for the years as her mindfulness practice and training began to grow. In 2017, when POPS

Kate Savage2019-05-02T15:49:22+00:00

Fran Richter


Like many POPS 'students, Fran had an inconsistent relationship with her father growing up. She was always interested in education-her mother and aunt were educators-and even when she landed a coveted writing position on the critically-acclaimed HBO show Insecure, she still found herself asking: "Am I making any kind of difference?" out several possible volunteer

Fran Richter2019-04-13T00:11:16+00:00

Claire LaZebnik


Author, and Boston native, Claire LaZebnik thinks what motivated her to volunteer for POPS the Club was both "practical" and "emotional." Practically, she was recruited by a friend, and was "sold instantly" on the ideas of working with youth affected by mass incarceration. But that practicality had an underlying emotional core. After the 2016 election,

Claire LaZebnik2019-04-13T00:13:12+00:00
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