Monthly Archives: December 2023

Making My Mark


by Kai Salazar I want to leave a mark on everyone I meet. I want to share a little piece of myself every time someone talks to me. I want to be so crazy famous that people talk about me for hundreds of years. I want someone to cry tears of happiness after seeing me

Making My Mark2023-12-01T23:42:34+00:00

Everything is transient and so are you


by Jimmie Harmon i have these fleeting moments of freedom points in time where i’m soaring They’re always fleeting but the feeling lingers, i can’t place why or how they come about, but it’s freeing, like i’ve been living wrong up until this point i strive for this feeling daily but i’ve yet to bring

Everything is transient and so are you2023-12-01T23:15:50+00:00
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